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about it.
 You re right. I ve asked too much of you through the
 No, you haven t, but this I can t do. He waved his hand
toward Eric in reminder.
Rather than explain since he wasn t too sure what Selh
would have to do, he told Eric,  Selh is going to remove the plug
in your throat so you may speak again. Don t be frightened.
Listen to what he tells you and do as he says.
 Help me move him so his head hangs over the bed.
They turned him to lie supine across the width of the bed,
his head hanging off the side to straighten the passage from his
his head hanging off the side to straighten the passage from his
mouth down his throat. Cale sat beside Eric with his hand on his
chest. How much comfort he gave Eric, he didn t know. It did
comfort him until Eric s heartbeat started racing with the first
prick of the needle through his skin.  Selh, he s 
 I know. I ll work as fast as I can.
Rubbing Eric s chest with his thumb, Cale talked to him.
 This isn t to harm you. It s to help, to give you back your voice.
You will have some pain. He asked Selh,  How much?
With a penlight in Eric s mouth and a probe down Eric s
throat, Selh didn t answer. He shifted positions for a better
angle, grimaced, and pulled.  I don t see any kind of stitching,
but it doesn t want to come out.
Selh shifted position again.  He has to hold his throat still. I
can t get a hold of it with it moving.
Eric s body was rigid, but the muscles in his throat jumped,
bobbing his larynx.  Hold still. Cale soothed, stroking Eric s
throat.  Still, now, still. It ll be over soon. He told Selh,  He s
holding his breath to do it. Hurry.
 That s making it worse. He s too tight. Distract him.
 Listen to me, Eric. What he s doing hurts, but it s okay.
It ll be over soon. You have to relax. Cale groaned when Eric s
arm moved. He was naked under the covers, but the covers
weren t thick enough to keep him from clutching his cock, lifting
it up from his belly.  Fuck.
 If that will make him relax, go ahead, Selh told him.
 Very funny.
 Very funny.
 His breathing is restricted. Get his mind off what I m
Damned if he d fuck him in front of Selh. He did brush
Eric s hand to the side, taking his cock, massaging it in soft
squeezes. Some of the things he thought to say, would have said
maybe if they were alone, he kept in his head. Every time he was
near Eric, especially when they were touching, he had to remind
himself Eric wasn t his willing lover. His cock growing hard as a
rock was not anything more than a response to stimulation.
Eric s hand covered Cale s, pushing to make Cale stroke
him, his fingers closing to hold, not lay over.
Selh fell backwards, holding up the probe with a gray
substance on the tip. The red of blood covered the edges.  It
tore some. He s going to have a sore throat for a while. He laid
the probe on the bedside table.  Help me prop him up.
Together they turned Eric on the bed. Selh pushed him up,
leaning him into Cale while he arranged the pillow to put Eric in a
half-sitting position. Eric s hand went to Cale s crotch, something
Selh didn t miss when they lowered him, even though Cale
pushed it away and stood.
 I have to say that s the most bizarre surgery I ve ever
performed, Selh commented in a bland tone.
Standing, Cale told him,  It s his programming. I don t
know what the trigger is, but he s compulsive about seducing.
 Maybe it isn t his programming. Maybe you re the reason.
Or at least the trigger. Selh put the plug in a specimen container
and repacked his bag.  I ll be back in a couple of hours. We ll
and repacked his bag.  I ll be back in a couple of hours. We ll
sneak him out then.
He hadn t closed the door before Eric s hand was back at
his crotch and his hips bumped.  You re in no condition for
that, Cale told him, no matter how badly his own hips wanted to
Fearing Eric was going to bounce himself off the bed, Cale
sat back beside him.  I ll take care of it if you ll be still. To
prove it, he flipped the covers back and grabbed hold of Eric s
cock.  Close your eyes. He had to have those blank eyes
closed for what he was going to do next.  When you try to kill
me for this, I ll know you re getting well.
Cock gripped tight in his hand, Cale kissed him, really
kissed him, as he d wanted to do from the first minute he saw
him. He shoved his tongue inside Eric s mouth, slipping it over
his tongue, running along the inside of his teeth. Sweet, but with a
tang of blood, he drilled his tongue deep, mimicking what he
wanted to do with his cock up Eric s ass. He settled for going
down on him, kissing his way to the cock he jerked off, taking it
deep in his mouth, sucking hard to begin. He pulled back to swirl
his tongue over the tip, washing away the taste of blood with the
taste of Eric s pre-cum. His tongue flickered across the tip,
drilled the slit, and slavered over the ridge. He licked from the
base to the crown, sucked and nibbled the sides until Eric lay
rigid on the bed obeying his training to not show his pleasure.
When Eric s hand moved to pinch off his climax, Cale laced his
fingers through his, holding it away. He took the cock in his
mouth again, swallowing it, swallowing the explosion of cum
mouth again, swallowing it, swallowing the explosion of cum
hitting the back of his throat. Cale sucked him dry, licking and
kissing as the cock softened.
Pulling away, he told him,  Now go to sleep.
Without looking back, he went to the bathroom to release
his own hard-on.
* * * *
 I ll contact you when I get the report back on the drug.
Hesitating at the hatchway, Cale asked again,  Certain you
won t come with me?
With a lopsided smile, Selh told him,  Three s a crowd.
 It isn t 
 It is. If you aren t already in love with him, you re falling
fast. He smiled again.  It s past time, Cale. You ve punished
yourself too much, for too long. You re opening your heart
For more heartbreak , Cale thought. He said,  You re a
romantic, Selh. Once he comes out of his stupor, he s going
 He may not want to.
 He will.
 You do know Lev Tro will have men after you as soon as
you leave the safety of the ship.
 That thought did occur to me.
 You can t go home. That s the first place they ll look for
 Also a thought that has occurred to me. Take care, Selh. I
am going to miss you. The last was the closest he would get to
revealing his true feelings for Selh to him. He may well be falling
in love with Eric, but he still loved Selh.
 And I you.
A large hole in Cale would be left open. They had worked
together for five years, beginning when tests showed they both
possessed a high degree of telepathic abilities. No one had
expected how strong or how quickly those abilities between the
two would develop from random reception of vague thoughts to
full-fledged conversations. The skill had proved invaluable more
times than not when their ambassador assignments included
espionage, while from the very beginning Cale had to hide his
attraction and desire for Selh.
Closing the hatch, Cale s first impulse when he turned to
find Eric standing a few feet from him was to lead him to the co-
pilot s seat and strap him in. A different thought followed. Eric
had to start learning to do things for himself.
 Take the co-pilot s chair and prepare yourself for take-
Eric hesitated, his jerking feet and body appearing to be in
some manner of conflict. His body won, twisting until his feet
followed, dragging in protest. He did, however, sit in the chair.
He gripped the arm rests until Cale thought he might rip them off
before he settled back, pulled the harness straps over him and
buckled himself in.
Cale had discovered a new way to discover who Eric was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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