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?? Breathe all the way out and hold it for 7 taps.
the issues that people address with EFT. In some
?? Breathe normally for 7 taps.
issues, however, PR is almost always blocking progress.
Depression, addictions and degenerative diseases are
Place the two fingers of your right hand on your left
the main examples. For most issues, however, PR may
Collarbone Point and, while continuously tapping the
or may not be present in a given individual. One person
Gamut Point, do the 5 breathing exercises.
may be PR for relieving asthma, for example, and
Bend the fingers of your right so that the second
another may not.
joint or "knuckles" are prominent. Then place them on
How will you know if you are experiencing PR?
your right Collarbone Point and tap the Gamut Point
You won't. That's why The Basic Recipe includes an
continuously while doing the 5 breathing exercises.
automatic correction for it (The Setup). It only takes
Repeat this by placing the right knuckles on the left
seconds to perform and does no harm to correct it even
Collarbone Point.
if it isn't there. So, unless PR is corrected, your success
You are now half way done. You complete the
ratio with these methods will suffer dramatically.
Collarbone Breathing Exercise by repeating the entire
procedure using the fingertips and knuckles of the left
hand. You will be tapping the Gamut Point, of course, with salt. We drink "soft drinks" that are nothing more
with the fingertips of the right hand. than chemical cocktails. We consume massive amounts
of refined sugar. Our foods are laden with a list of
How do you use the Collarbone Breathing
Exercise? First, assume you don't need it and proceed dyes, preservatives and pesticides that would compete
as normal with The Basic Recipe. This is a logical in size with a small telephone book.
assumption because this problem doesn't impede EFT We ingest alcohol, nicotine, aspirin, antihistamines
for very many people. and countless drugs. We breathe fumes from our cars,
But if you have used The Basic Recipe persistently industrial smokestacks and the insulation in our homes.
and your results are either slow or non existent then In short, we face an army of chemical intruders 24
start each round of The Basic Recipe with the hours a day.
Collarbone Breathing Exercise. You may find that it Like I said, we live in a sewer.
"clears the way" and allows dramatic relief.
Impediment #4 A different kind of "allergy"
Energy Toxins
Our bodies are designed to ward off the effects of
toxins and, all things considered, they do an admirable
We live in a sewer
job. But enough is enough! Sooner or later, this
I opened a new bar of soap this morning and read the
label. It has 8 chemicals in it I never heard of. They all onslaught shows up in our health.
get on my body when I shower. Allergies are among the most common reactions we
My shaving cream has 7 such ingredients and my have to all these toxic substances. Sores, rashes, and a
host of sinus problems are but some of the allergic
hand lotion has 13. These go on my body too.
symptoms from which we suffer.
My toothpaste didn't show any ingredients but I'm
Allergies are commonly thought to be chemically
sure it has several chemicals that no doctor would
caused. That is, these toxins cause chemical reactions
advise me to eat. Yet they seep into my system through
the sensitive membranes in my mouth. in our bodies which are, in turn, responsible for our
Then there is my underarm deodorant that has 9 irritating symptoms.
foreign chemicals in it. And, if I was a woman, I would
An energy system "allergy." But there is a
be subject to numerous cosmetics. Eyeliner and lipstick
different kind of allergy that needs to be introduced
to name but two.
here. It doesn't necessarily irritate our internal
I wonder how many noxious chemicals find their
chemistry and so it doesn't fit the classic definition of an
way into our bodies through such things as facial
allergy. Rather, it is like an allergy in that it irritates
creams, hair spray, cologne, perfume, shampoo and hair
conditioner. It has to be an intimidating list and, so our energy system. For lack of a better term, we call
far...we haven't even left the bathroom. them energy toxins.
The water that comes out of our faucets contains
another list of toxic substances. Yet we bathe in it, Ways to avoid energy toxins
cook in it and make our morning coffee with it.
If you have repeatedly tried EFT with little or no
Chemical residues from the laundry soap in which
success AND you have exhaustively addressed all the
we wash our clothes come in contact with our bodies all
day long. We sleep between sheets that have these aspects of the issue AND you have applied EFT to the
same residues. specific events that may be underlying the problem,
There are chemical air then a possible culprit is some form of energy toxin that
is irritating your energy system and thus competing
fresheners and deodorants in
with these procedures. It is not because EFT doesn't
our homes and offices that
work. On the contrary, it works marvelously given the
smell nice, but do so at the
proper environment.
expense of filling our air with
There are several ways to avoid the effects of energy
foreign substances.
We eat rancid popcorn at toxins even if you don t know what specific toxin may
movie theaters that is loaded be effecting you. I list these ways below:
Energy toxin avoidance method #1 -- Move from I know that sounds a little odd but this will often do
where you are. Sometimes there is something in your the job. This way all chemicals are off your body and
immediate environment that is causing the problem. It you minimize the chance of them interfering with your
could be an electronic device like a energy system. Make sure you stand up so that you
computer or TV or it may be fumes avoid contact with chairs or beds or other possible
from a plant, your carpet or your offending substances. You will be barefoot, of course,
ventilation system. Perhaps you and it would be best if you stood on a hardwood floor or
have some sensitivity to the chair in a board or a piece of plastic. This way you avoid your
which you are sitting or maybe the carpet and any chemicals that may be on it.
room you are occupying has been If the above procedure results in success with EFT,
newly painted. then an energy toxin was likely in your way. However,
So....just the physical act of moving can remove you if you make no headway despite this effort then use....
from some offending item. You might want to stand up Energy toxin avoidance method #3 -- Wait a day
and go elsewhere in the room. If that fails go to another or two. If methods #2 and #3 don't allow you the result
room or go outdoors. you are looking for then, chances are, the energy toxins
Since EFT takes so little time to perform, you can aren't on you. They are
move to several different places and try it out. If you probably in you.
find success by moving, then rest assured you have This means that the toxins
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