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well. I have another team tracking the minivan. They re reasonably
certain they know where it s heading.
 Thank you, sir.
 Did you get all that? Hunter asked Damien.
He nodded and then wished he hadn t as his head pounded harder.
 Yep. The dust cloud is the good guys. The bad guys have
disappeared for now.
 More or less. Phideaux, would you please shut the fuck up?
Phideaux whined, but he ceased barking, which was a relief to
Damien s headache. Likely the dog thought he d finally made the
humans aware of what he already knew. Damien wondered if Hunter
had worked out where Jasmine was faster than him because of being
part werewolf. Then he shrugged. It didn t matter. They were all on
the same team anyway.
The black SUV reached Jaz before him, and a man and a woman
jumped out of it. Damien was stunned to see Jaz holding an automatic
weapon pointed at them. Where did she get that? From the bad guys?
He braked to a stop, and before the truck was completely
stationary, Phideaux had forced his big butt out of the window and
98 Cara Adams
raced across to Jaz, putting himself in front of the other people and
growling loudly.
Jaz bent down, dropped the weapon, and held the dog, only to be
knocked to the ground as he licked her face and then straddled her
body, still growling.
Damien clambered out of the truck and followed Hunter across to
the other two people.
 It s okay. The Alpha sent us to help, called the man.
 Yeah, we know. Damien rubbed his head. Shit, he felt awful.
The woman rushed back to the SUV and returned with an armful
of bottles of water. She handed two to Jaz and then gave him and
Hunter one each. Damien twisted the cap off and poured the
wonderful, cool liquid down his throat, gulping hard.  Thanks. I
really needed that.
 I ve got a couple more if you want another, she said.
 It s okay. We ve got some water in the back of the truck, but I
couldn t stop driving to get it.
That reminded him about the dog. He went back to the truck and
rummaged around in the backseat for Phideaux s water bowl before
he remembered he d thrown it in the footwell. He pulled out the large
water container, which was still half full, and the bowl and then
poured some water for the dog before drinking some himself, straight
from the container. It wasn t cool, like the bottle the woman had
given them, but it was wet and refreshing, so he didn t care.
He longed to hold Jasmine in his arms but wasn t brave enough to
do it in front of these strangers, especially since the dog insisted on
guarding her. The man had returned to the SUV as well and came
back with a pair of bolt cutters. He cut the handcuffs off Jaz s wrists,
handcuffs Damien hadn t even noticed she was wearing until now.
 It s a shame to ruin such a nice pair of cuffs, but without the key,
I don t have a choice, said the man.
Damien grinned. Another werewolf, another Dom. The two things
did seem to frequently go together. He stood and feasted his gaze on
Unleashing Seduction 99
Jaz. She looked fine. Sweaty, dirty, and her hair all messed up, but as
beautiful as ever. Finally he couldn t resist. He stepped closer and
hugged her.  I m so glad you re not hurt. I mean, you aren t hurt are
 Hell no, I m fine. A little stiff in my muscles, but mostly that was
from getting the handcuffs from behind me to in front of me and
pushing these crates out of the minivan. Can someone please tell me
what the fuck is going on?
 Yeah. I d like to know that, too.
The man held out his hand.  Gideon Jenner and my sister, Chloe.
What say we load these weapons into the trucks and go home and talk
in the air-conditioning? Likely you could all use a shower and some
food as well.
Damien sighed.  All our stuff is back at the cemetery. There
wasn t time to pack up. I had to follow Jaz right away.
He grabbed the water and took another long drink, refilled
Phideaux s bowl, and handed the container to Hunter.
Chloe pulled out a cell phone and typed a message. Almost
immediately it beeped.  Reuben and Tekoa have finished packing up
your tent. Where do you want them to take it? The easiest solution
would be for them to bring it to our place and you could all stay the
night there, but it s up to you.
Damien had no idea who Reuben and Tekoa were, likely other
wolves belonging to the pack he supposed. But he wasn t really
feeling like the very long drive back home in the dark across
unknown desert. Following Chloe to their base seemed best. He
turned to look at Hunter. Hunter was the wolf. It was really his
decision. But Hunter was watching Jaz.
 What do you want to do, Jaz?
 If it s not too much trouble to have so many of us, I d like to go
to Chloe s home. I really, really need a shower.
 Besides, then we can have some girl time. My mom managed to
do slightly better than Mrs. Wishram, but the wolf gene overruled as
100 Cara Adams
usual. I have three brothers. Come on, Jaz, you and the dog Fido did
you say his name was? can travel with me. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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