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attentively, O Yogananda!
When you get a flash of illumination, do not be frightened. It will be a new experience of
immense joy. Do not turn back. Do not give up meditation. Do not stop there. You will have to
advance still further. This is only a glimpse of truth. This is not the whole experience. This is not the
highest realisation. This is only a new platform. Try to ascend further. Reach the Bhuma or the
Infinite. Now alone you are proof against all temptations. You will drink deep the nectar of
Immortality. This is the acme or final stage. You can take eternal rest now. You need not meditate
any further. This is the final goal.
You have within yourself tremendous powers and latent faculties of which you have really
never had any conception. You must awaken these dormant powers and faculties by the practice of
meditation and Yoga. You must develop your will and control your senses and mind. You must
purify yourself and practice regular meditation. Then only you can become a Superman or
There is no such thing as miracle or Siddhi. Ordinary man is quite ignorant of higher
spiritual things. He is sunk in oblivion. He is shut up from higher transcendental knowledge. So he
calls some extraordinary event a miracle. But for a Yogi who understands things in the light of
Yogas there is no such thing as miracle. Just as a villager is astonished at the sight of an aeroplane or
a talkie for the first time, so also a man of the world is stunned when he sees an extraordinary
spectacle for the first time.
Every human being has within himself various potentialities and capacities. He is a
magazine of power and knowledge. As he evolves, he unfolds new powers, new faculties, new
qualities. Now he can change his environments and influence others. He can subdue other minds.
He can conquer internal and external nature. He can enter into super-conscious state.
In a dark room if a pot containing a lamp inside it, is broken, the darkness of the room is
dispelled and you see light everywhere in the room. Even so, if the body-pot is broken through
constant meditation on the Self, i.e., if you destroy ignorance (Avidya) and its effects such as
identification with the body, and rise above body-consciousness, you will cognise the supreme light
of the Atman everywhere.
Just as the water in the pot that is placed in the ocean becomes one with the waters of the
ocean, when the pot is broken, so also when the body-pot is broken by meditation on the Atman, the
individual soul becomes one with the Supreme Soul.
Just as the light is burning within the hurricane lamp, so also the Divine Flame is burning
from time immemorial in the lamp of your heart. Close your eyes. Merge yourself within the Divine
Flame. Plunge deep into the chambers of your heart. Meditate on this Divine Flame and become one
with the Flame of God.
If the wick within the lamp is small the light will also be small. If the wick is big, the light
also will be powerful. Similarly, if the Jiva (individual soul) is pure, if he practices meditation, the
manifestation or expression of the Self will be powerful. He will radiate a big light. If he is
unregenerate and impure, he will be like a burnt-up charcoal. The bigger the wick, the greater the
light. Likewise, the purer the soul, the greater the expression.
If the magnet is powerful, it will influence the iron fillings even when they are placed at a
distance. Even so, if the Yogi is an advanced person, he will have greater influence over the persons
with whom he comes in contact. He can exert his influence on persons even when they live in
distant places.
The fire of meditation annihilates all foulness due to vice. Then suddenly there comes
Knowledge of Self or Divine Wisdom which directly lends to Mukti or final emancipation.
During meditation note how long you can shut out all worldly thoughts. Watch your mind.
If it is for twenty minutes, try to increase the period to thirty minutes and so on. Fill the mind with
thoughts of God again and again.
In meditation do not strain your eyes. Do not strain the brain. Do not struggle or wrestle with
the mind. Relax. Gently allow the divine thoughts to flow. Steadily think of the Lakshya (point of
meditation). Do not voluntarily and violently drive away the intruding thoughts. Have sublime
Sattvic thoughts. The vicious thoughts will by themselves vanish.
If there is much strain in your meditation, reduce the duration of each sitting for a few days.
Do light meditation only. When you have regained the normal tone, again increase the period. Use
your common-sense throughout your Sadhana. I always reiterate on this point.
PRACTICAL LESSONS IN YOGA [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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