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·ð How often do you shop online and why?
·ð What kind of shops do you visit most often and why?
·ð Would you like to work as a shop assistant and why?
·ð Which do you prefer, shopping centres or supermarkets, and why?
Państwo i społeczeństwo:
·ð Are you afraid of walking outside after dark?
·ð Do you take any interest in politics? Why? / Why not?
·ð In your opinion, why do young people commit crimes?
·ð Why do people end up being homeless?
·ð Why do wars happen?
·ð Do you think your country is a safe place to live in? Why? / Why not?
·ð Do you feel sorry for people who live on the street? Why? / Why not?
·ð What are the worst social problems in Poland now? Why?
·ð Would you like to become a politician? Why? / Why not?
@ pmklara
Strona 6 z 6
·ð What kind of crime do you find the most dangerous and why?
·ð What do you think about cheating in exams?
·ð Would you like to stand for elections and why?
·ð Which politician do you admire in particular and why?
·ð When was the last time you saw a doctor? What happened?
·ð How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
·ð What do you do to stay healthy?
·ð Are you a member of a gym? Why? / Why not?
·ð Do you think everyone should know how to give first aid? Why? / Why not?
·ð Have you ever had any injury? When? What kind?
·ð How often do you exercise?
·ð How often do you go to the doctor s?
·ð When was the last time you went to the dentist? How did you feel?
·ð What do you do when you catch a cold?
·ð How do you keep fit?
·ð What do you do to reduce stress in your life?
·ð How often and when do you visit a doctor?
·ð What bad habits would you like to give up?
·ð What job would you like to do in the future? Why?
·ð Which job do you think is the most boring? Why?
·ð In your opinion, is it better to have a well-paid or an interesting job? Why?
·ð Would you like to be a doctor? Why? / Why not?
·ð Have you ever done any summer work? When? What kind?
·ð What is the most dangerous job? Why?
·ð Would you like to work as a volunteer? Why? / Why not?
·ð Are you planning to find a job while you re at university? Why? / Why not?
·ð What job wouldn t you like to do in the future?
·ð How should you prepare for a job interview?
·ð What is your dream job for the future?
·ð Which is more important for you, a great career or a great personal life?
·ð Would you like to work part-time as a university student and why?
·ð What kind of boss would you make?
Elementy wiedzy o krajach anglojęzycznych:
·ð Would you like to live in London/New York and why?
·ð Would you like to spend Christmas in the UK?
·ð Which English-speaking country would you like to visit and why?
·ð Which British / American customs and traditions do you find interesting and why?
@ pmklara [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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