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Huck/Greeven 76 (as shown on pp. 57-60)*
Merk 55 (+27 variants in the Latin parallel)
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Nestle ed. 13 43
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 50
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 58
Souter 12
Tasker 1
Tischendorf 147
UBS Ed. 3 5
UBS Ed. 4 +4 2 +2
Westcott & Hort 4 with marginal variants, 3 "noteworthy rejected"
* For comparison, the equivalent sections in Huck/Lietzmann show 5 variants
Sample 2: Mark 2
Edition Variants in Apparatus
Aland: SQE ed. 13 109 (as shown on pp. 60-66)
Bover 36 showing ms. support; 3 more where only editors cited
Hodges & Farstad 11 MT variants; 46 MT vs. UBS variants
Huck/Greeven 102 (as shown on pp. 49-66)*
Merk 70 (+27 variants in the Latin parallel)
Nestle ed. 13 47
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 50
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 48
Souter 8
Tasker None
Tischendorf 140
UBS Ed. 3 10
UBS Ed. 4 +4 8
Westcott & Hort 13 with marginal variants, 1 "noteworthy rejected"
* For comparison, the equivalent sections in Huck/Lietzmann show 12 variants
Sample 3: John 18
Edition Variants in Apparatus
Aland: SQE ed. 13 96 (as shown on pp. 455-475)
Bover 36 showing MS support; 1 more where only editors listed
Hodges & Farstad 13 MT variants; 40 MT vs. UBS variants
Merk 65 (+32 variants in the Latin parallel)
Nestle ed. 13 42
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 49
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 72
Souter 6
Tasker 1
Tischendorf 162
UBS Ed. 3 4 +4
UBS Ed. 4 +4 3
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Westcott & Hort 7 with marginal variants, 1 "noteworthy rejected"
Sample 4: Acts 6
Edition Variants in Apparatus
Bover 5
Hodges & Farstad 3 MT variants; 5 MT vs. UBS variants
Merk 37 (+11 variants in the Latin parallel)
Nestle ed. 13 24
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 27
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 26
Souter 9
Tasker None
Tischendorf 78
UBS Ed. 3 3
UBS Ed. 4 +4 2 +2
Westcott & Hort 3 with marginal variants; 0 "noteworthy rejected"
Sample 5: Acts 18
Edition Variants in Apparatus
Bover 15 showing MS support; 1 more where only editors listed
Hodges & Farstad 8 MT variants; 26 MT vs. UBS variants
Merk 53 (+22 variants in the Latin parallel)
Nestle ed. 13 56
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 60
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 59
Souter 24
Tasker 2 +2
Tischendorf 134
UBS Ed. 3 11
UBS Ed. 4 +4 10
Westcott & Hort 4 with marginal variants; 2 "noteworthy rejected"
Sample 6: 1 Corinthians 13
Edition Variants in Apparatus
Bover 8 showing MS support; 6 more where only editors listed
Hodges & Farstad 2 MT variants; 10 MT vs. UBS variants
Merk 26 (+11 variants in the Latin parallel)
Nestle ed. 13 16
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 17
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 13
Souter 2 +2
Tasker 1
Tischendorf 46
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UBS Ed. 3 1
UBS Ed. 4 +4 3
Westcott & Hort 2 with marginal variants; 1 "noteworthy rejected"
Sample 7: Colossians 2
Edition Variants in Apparatus
Bover 14 showing MS support; 2 more where only editors cited
Hodges & Farstad 8 MT variants; 14 MT vs. UBS variants
Merk 37 (+36 in the Latin parallel)
Nestle ed. 13 31
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 31
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 31
Souter 14
Tasker None
Tischendorf 98
UBS Ed. 3 6
UBS Ed. 4 +4 7
Westcott & Hort 9 with marginal variants (3 being primitive errors), 0 "noteworthy rejected"
Sample 8: James 2
Edition Variants in Apparatus
Bover 10 showing MS support; 2 more where only editors cited
Hodges & Farstad 5 MT variants; 19 MT vs. UBS variants
Merk 41 (+24 in the Latin parallel)
Nestle ed. 13 36
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 39
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 49
Souter 13
Tasker 1
Tischendorf 67
UBS Ed. 3 3
UBS Ed. 4 +4 4 +4
Westcott & Hort 6 with marginal variants (one being a punctuation variant), 0 "noteworthy rejected"
Sample 9: 1 John 4
Edition Variants in Apparatus
Bover 7 showing MS support; 1 more where only editors cited
Hodges & Farstad 4 MT variants; 7 MT vs. UBS variants
Merk 39 (+24 in the Latin parallel)
Nestle ed. 13 28
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 29
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 35
Souter 5
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Tasker None
Tischendorf 57
UBS Ed. 3 4 +4
UBS Ed. 4 +4 5
Westcott & Hort 5 with marginal variants, 1 "noteworthy rejected"
Sample 10: Revelation 8
Edition Variants in Apparatus
Bover 7 showing MS support; 1 more where only editors cited
Hodges & Farstad 17
Merk 29 (+30 in the Latin parallel)
Nestle ed. 13 19
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 19
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 29
Souter 9
Tasker None
Tischendorf 56
UBS Ed. 3 1
UBS Ed. 4 +4 None
Westcott & Hort 4 with marginal variants, 1 "noteworthy rejected"
Sample 11: Revelation 15
Edition Variants in Apparatus
Bover 4 showing MS support; 2 more where only editors cited
Hodges & Farstad 20
Merk 19 (+23 in the Latin parallel)
Nestle ed. 13 13
Nestle-Aland ed. 25 14
Nestle-Aland ed. 27 24
Souter 7
Tasker 1
Tischendorf 45
UBS Ed. 3 3
UBS Ed. 4 +4 2 +2
Westcott & Hort 2 with marginal variants, 0 "noteworthy rejected"
Appendix: Latin Editions
In addition to a full set of Greek editions, a thorough student of the New Testament text should have access to a variety
of Latin editions. We will not dwell at length on the various Latin editions, but the following section supplies brief notes.
Observe that only editions with an apparatus are listed. So, for example, the Latin text of Bover, which is the
Vulgate without apparatus, is ignored
Merk. (For publication data, see the entry on Greek Merk ). This is in many ways the handiest of the Latin editions, as it
combines Greek and Latin editions side by side, with a critical apparatus of each. The Latin text is the Clementine Vulgate,
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