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 I do not see any issues concerning the Council as a whole,
Charisma which meant that you couldn t help liking him in per-
and apparently no one else does. 199
son, despite contrary messages from your gut instincts. Isaac was
energized by the Neo-Pagan renaissance of 1972 where previously
But importantly from Isaac s goals of forming a stable Druid or-
uncommitted Occult or Neo-Christian groups redefined themselves
ganization, Carleton s ArchDruids were neglecting to send out the
as Neo-Pagan; previously separate and individualistic people were
required  State of the Groves letters upon their retirement, showing
now getting together and doing things. Around the time of the early
obvious irresponsibility in what appeared to be the duties of the
SCA & Sci-Fi conventions came the Gnosticon spirituality festival
 national headquarters of the RDNA. What if an issue did come up
in 1974, after which the Festival movement of Neo-Paganism notice-
that needed an official OK from the Council? With no active Chair
ably blossomed.194 The result was more frequent and intensive net-
of the Council, how could the Council be convened and the votes
working and hybridization between previously unacquainted and iso-
counted and declared?
lated groups who now recognized an underlying kinship through
Neo-Paganism that transcended barriers of local ritual practices and
The Isaac Affair Begin
The Isaac Affair Begin
The Isaac Affair Begin 200
The Isaac Affair Begin
The Isaac Affair Begin
dogma. The question facing Isaac was who was going to organize the
Isaac Bonewits realized that the RDNA would be a very appealing
Celtic/Druid facet and  lead it into Neo-Paganism? Why not him-
organization, especially for Celtic enthusiasts, in a predicted upcom-
self and his friends? They had a group with plenty of flexibility, hu-
ing flood of interest. Bonewits saw a need to transform the Carleton
mor and history to it why not bring in the RDNA?
Druids from a  Meso-Pagan stage of evolution towards the  Neo-
Pagan age, just like other groups had already done.201 More than
The Council of Dalon Ap Landu (Revisited)
that, Isaac wished to define the ideas, organization and documents of
Isaac would have been aware of the poor reception of the Codex
the RDNA into concise,  marketable products. To test the waters
of Form, the successful vote on women s equality in Reformed Dru-
for his rather complicated agenda, Isaac sent out a proposal on July
idism and the tinkering theories on voting revision in the Council.
18th 1974 to the Carleton ArchDruid to distribute to the Council
Seeing all this activity in the Council may have got him thinking
members for an immediate vote. I recommend reading the full text
about further possible legal refinements.195 While most of the ele-
of Isaac s letters in the Apocrypha, which I will make many refer-
ments of the Codex were dropped, one element remained ambigu-
ences. The tone, haste, assumptions and verbiage of the letters helps
ous  the voting rules for the Council of Dalon Ap Landu. As of
to explain the resulting animosity, misunderstanding, confusion and
1969, the only official statements pertaining to the Council s voting
hostility that was engendered towards Isaac amongst many Carleton
and non-Carleton Druids. In hindsight, the letters can be seen as
Isaac s way of explaining himself before doing something new on his
To declare in perpetuity that the Arch-Druid of Carleton
own. But to the Reformed Druids, it was a bolt out of the blue and
shall be the Chairman Ex-officio of the Council of Dalon
looked like an aggressive reformation attempt.
Ap Landu.196
This letter proved to be a set-back for Isaac s public relations with
To reserve to all the priests, collectively in the Council of
many of the Druids on the Council. This letter put about 20 minor
Dalon Ap Landu, the highest authority of the Reformed
changes or statements of doctrine to be debated and voted upon
Druids of North America.197
between July 18th and September 15th, with a majority vote to de-
Whereas all the previous Council votes had been pursued until they cide the matter or else a schism would take place!202 This was seen as
reached a consensus of all the members who chose to vote, this was break-neck speed, since the vote on the equality of female priests
only a tradition not a rule. When Shelton s voting proposal was alone had taken two whole years of debate to reach the traditional
made, he was looking for unanimous positive votes with replies from consensus, and that decision merely affirmed a standing tradition! A [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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