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Rica put his arm around Sorin s shoulders.  I was worried about you,
Sorin. However, you ve redeemed yourself to me. You are truly and
utterly a Draconian after my own heart. He clapped him on the back
and swiveled in a circle, obviously completely pleased with himself.  We ll
reconvene in two days for the ceremony. I predict that it will be a grand
Sorin bowed his head and made his leave. Outside the war room, he
strode down the hallway to his chamber. He needed to be alone, needed
to be able to release his pain or he d explode.
Once inside his room, he shut and locked the door. He moved to the
open window and leaned his head out. Taking in a deep breath of cool
night air, he was able to think and plan.
He couldn t allow Rica to get away with what he did. Somehow, there
had to be something Sorin could do. Before Alexandreina slipped away
from him. Rica had done a tremendous job of splitting them apart, or
causing anger and suspicion to enter both their minds.
However, Sorin vowed it would not keep them apart. He would do
whatever he had to, to make sure they could be together.
112 Vivi Anna
Chapter Fourteen
For two days, Alexandreina sat in her room and wept.
Nicoletta had been allowed entry to her room twice a day for only a
few allotted minutes, to deliver and take away any food plates. The rest of
the time, she was alone.
If Sorin had tried to see her, she didn t know and if he had, she
wasn t quite sure how she d feel about his visit. Some of the things he
had said in the war room had hurt her. Deep down, she knew he said
those things to keep her from being executed, but it was her heart that
ached. It felt as if a knife had pierced her flesh and bled her out.
By the time the sun set on the second day, Alexandreina s throat
throbbed from the effort of her sobbing and her eyes were sore and raw
from her tears. She felt like she d shed enough tears to fill the fountain
outside in the garden. She felt empty and devoid of all her emotions.
Having bled them for the past two days.
When they came for her, she didn t struggle. She made not a sound
as the two guards ushered her out of her room, through the keep to the
courtyard where the crowd was forming for the scheduled ceremony.
Gathering by force and not by choice.
Eyes downcast, Alexandreina took her place on top of the makeshift
dais behind and off to the side of Rica and Lizuca, Priestess Cami and
the other Draconian dignitaries. She sat in the provided chair, folded her
hands on her lap and tried desperately not to sob uncontrollably. She
couldn t stand to look up and watch as her fellow Roma, her charge by
Of the Moon 113
blood, be cast down into the pit of spikes used for the barbaric
Messenger ceremony.
Rica stood and held up his hand to silence the murmuring gathering
of both Draconian and Roma citizens.  It is with great honor that we
witness this evening. The Messenger Ceremony is one of great
importance and tradition that we Draconians have honored for a
thousand years. He took a few steps forward on the dais and glanced
down at the crowd of people.  Ever since Zamolixis breathed life into us
and set us forth from the Dragon Mounts, we have been time-honored to
perform this ceremony to send back our thanks to the Underworld and
our great god.
Risking a peek, Alexandreina raised her head. Her gaze found Sorin
almost instantly. He stood off to the side on the ground in front of the
dais. He was looking off in the distance, as if watching some other
ceremony going on someplace else. She watched as his face flinched,
then he turned and met her look. His blank stare rattled her but she
kept his gaze.
She wanted to run to him. Let him wrap her in the warmth of his
embrace. But she sat motionless and allowed one tear to escape her eye.
 Bring forth the volunteers. Rica waved his hand toward the crowd.
The throng of Romas parted. Two Draconian guards stepped toward
the dais, three Roma citizens in their wake. Alexandreina watched in
horror as a young boy and an old woman she knew as Clara, were
ushered to the front. She held her breath as the third person was pushed
ahead. Several people in the crowd bowed their heads in respect.
When she saw whom it was that her fellow Romas bowed to, she
could no longer remain stoic and she couldn t hold her tongue. Her heart
felt like it had shattered like glass.
She was off her chair in moments.  No! She rushed to the edge of the
dais, but a guard grabbed her arm before she could jump off.
114 Vivi Anna
Anghel looked up at her and shook his head. Gathering his robe
about him, he took his spot next to the others chosen to be executed in
the ceremony.
 Does the lady protest? Rica scoffed.
Alexandreina turned to him, her hands fisted at her sides.  You can t
do this.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Priestess Cami looking on,
agony searing her face. Her hands fisted at her sides, and it looked like
her entire body was quaking with either anger or sorrow. Alexandreina
couldn t be sure which. Maybe both.
Rica took a step toward Alexandreina, a half-smile on his face.  I can
and I have, my lady. This is your punishment for breaking the law. He
swung toward the crowd.  The laws are here for a reason. Over the past
thirty-five sun turns have we not had order and peace in the community? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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