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his head. "We didn't understand those other drawings he made for us, did we?
He wasn't thinking about the bugs in those people from the ships. He was
trying to tell us that the Scarecrows had their people on Earth already, all
around us."
A multiple Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author, Frederik Pohl has done just
about everything one can do in the science-fiction field. His most famous work
is undoubtedly die novel Gateway, which won the Hugo, Nebula, and John W.
Campbell Memorial Awards for Best SF novel. Man Plus won the
Nebula Award. His mature work is marked by a serious intellectual agenda and
strongly held sociopolitical beliefs, without sacrificing narrative drive. In
addition to his successful solo fiction, Pohl has collaborated successfully
with a variety of writers, including C. M. Kornbluth and Jack Williamson. A
Pohl/Kornbluth collaboration, The Space Merchants, is a longtime classic of
satiric science fiction. The Starchild Trilogywith Williamson is one of the
more notable collaborations in the field. Pohl has been a magazine editor in
the field since he was very young,
Of%20Eternity.txt (125 of 126) [1/15/03 6:27:07 PM]
0Siege%20Of%20Eternity.txt piloting Worlds of If to three successive Hugos for
Best Magazine. He also has edited original-
story anthologies, including the early and notable Star series of the early
1950s. He has at various times been a literary agent, an editor of lines of
science-fiction books, and a president of the Science Fiction Writers of
America. For a number of years he has been active in the World
SF movement. He and his wife, Elizabeth Anne Hull, a prominent academic active
in the Science
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Fiction Research Association, live outside Chicago, Illinois.
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